
 / Memorial Borisa Hanžekovića (Zlatý mítink WACT)

Zagreb (9. - 11. 9. 2022)

Flash interviews

Paola Borović  3:53:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Triple Jump Women 3 Croatia 13.42

Skakanje na Trgu Bana Josipa Jelačića mi još uvijek zvuči kao san i nadam se da će ovo postati nova tradicija u Zagrebu. Bilo je prekrasno, i cijela organizacija je odlična. Iako je padala kiša, na kraju je ipak izašlo sunce, tako da je sve odlično završilo. Zadovoljna sam rezultatom, iako, kao i inače, uvijek želim vise. Ali rezultat nije bilo loš, samo je četiri centimetara lošiji od mog rezultata sezone. Ostalo mi je još jedno natjecanje do kraja sezone, Kup i Ekipno Prvenstvo Hrvatske za dva tjedna. Nije bilo straha skakati na povišenoj stazi, osjećala sam se još bolje, kao da letim. Posljednje pripreme za zadnje natjecanje odradit ću u Zadru, svome rodnome gradu, gdje ću provesti vrijeme s obitelji i prijateljima. Nisam zadovoljna svojim rezultatom na Europskom prvenstvu, zbog teškog rada i velikih odricanja koje sam uložila. Budućnost je svijetla i veselim se natjecanjima koja će se održati sljedeće godine.

Jumping at the main square is still like a dream to me and I hope that this will become a new tradition in Zagreb. It was beautiful and the whole organisation was great. Although it rained, at the end the sun came so it all ended up great. I am statisfied with the result, although, like always, I wanted more. But the result was not bad, it was only four centimeters less than my season best. There is only one competition left this season, in two weeks. There was no fear jumping on this bouncy track, I had a feeling like I was flying. The final preparations for the last competition will be held in my hometown Zadar, where I will spend time with my family and friends. I am not satsfied with my result at the European Championsips, because of all the hard work I put into preparations for it, but the future is bright and I am looking forward to the competitions which will be held next year.

Neja Filipič  3:05:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Triple Jump Women 1 Slovenia 14.38

Zadovoljna sam svojim današm nastupom. Volim nastupati na natjecanjima u centru grada zbog velikog broja gledatelja i dobre atmosfere. Nadam se ovakvome natjecanju u Ljubljani. Bilo je toplo, a kiša me nije nimalo smetala. Moji mišići i cijelo tijelo vole toplo vrijeme tako da sam zadovoljna današnjim uvjetima. Sestra me došla podrzati. Nisam zadovoljna rezultatom na Europskom prvenstvu u Minhenu. Sada ću se fokusirati na Europsko dvoransko prvenstvo, koje će se održati u ožujku u Istanbulu, te se planiram plasirati u finale. Norma za Svjetsko prvenstvo u Budimpešti je visoka, ali nadam se da ću se kvalificirati.

I am very happy with my performance today. I love jumping at street events because of a lot of spectators and the atmosphere. I hope to have this kind of competition in Ljubljana too. It was warm and rain did not bother me at all. My muscles love warm weather so I am happy with today`s conditions. My sister came with me to support me. I am not statisfied with my result at the European Championships in Munich. I will now focus on European Indoor Championships which will be held in March in Istanbul and my plan is to qualify for the final. Qualification standard for the World Championships in Budapest is high, but I hope that I will qualify.

Tina Šutej  6:15:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Pole Vault Women 1 Slovenia 4.61

Bila sam sigurna da ću danas, uz dobre uvjete, uspjeti preskočiti rekord mitinga, odnosno visinu 4.51, s obzirom da je to visina koju redovito preskačem. Iako sam u konačnici preskočila 4.61, željela sam i više. Skokovi su bili dobri, no motka je bila premekana, tako da se sljedeće godine nadam boljem skoku i novom rekordu mitinga. Zadovoljna sam stazom i organizacijom, unatoč kiši. Već sam se raspitivala kod organizatora mogu li unajmiti stazu, htjela bih ovakvo natjecanje napraviti i u Sloveniji. Uz trenere, došla me podržati i obitelj, a šavove u ruci sam izvadila dan prije ovog natjecanja, tako da mi nisu stvarali nikakav problem.

I was sure that with good conditions I will jump over the meeting record, precisely 4.51., because I jump over that height normally. Although I finished with 4.61, I wanted even better result. My jumps were good, but my Pole was a bit too soft, so next year I am hoping to have even better result and new meeting record. I am satisfied with organisation and the track, despite the rain. I have already asked organisators if we could rent the track and organise this type of competition in Slovenia. My coach and family came with me as a support, and I had no problems whith my hand injury, because yesterday I took out the stiches.

Lara Juriša  5:30:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Pole Vault Women 7 Croatia 3.81

Zadovoljna sam nastupom, cilj mi je bio preskočiti početnu visinu, s obzirom na to da nikada nisam kretala s tako visokom početnom visinom. Da sam imala još jedan pokušaj vjerojatno bih uspjela preskočiti 4.01, ali sve u svemu sam zadovoljna. Atmosfera i publika su odlični. Imam iskustva sa skakanjem na trgovima, tako da mi paše ovakva staza. Konkurencija je izrazito jaka, ali navikla sam na to obzirom da se često natječem s Tinom Šutej i ostalim jakim atletičarkama.

I am statisfied with my performance. I started at 3.81 meters, which is unusually high for my starting height. Because of that, my goal, which I accomplished, was to jump over the first height. If I had one more attempt, I would probablly succeed in jumping over 4.01 meters but after all, I am happy with my result. I have experience in jumping at street events, so I am used on this type of track. My competitors are really strong, but I have experience in competing on meetings and competitions with strong athletes such as Tina Šutej.

Henry Frayne  7:56:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Long Jump Men 1 Australia 8.11

After a pretty bad competition in Oregon and a pretty bad shape the whole season, it finally feels great to jump 8 m again. Honestly, this was more than I could hoped for. I was thinking about the retirement as I am 32 years old and life has started putting the pressure on me. You start the job and do certain things when you are 30. I really struggeled mentally for the last four weeks, especially after the Commonwealth Games. I was training the whole time during the European Championships, then I struggeled in Lusaine with the rain and 3 meter headwind. Afterwards, I came to Padova, jumped 7.77 after being sick for few days and I started to doubt myself. I came here, then I found out that it was a street meet. It was the great opportunity to enjoy the music, the crowd and everything. I saw the Start Lists, saw Tajay, I knew it was going to be hard to beat him for the win. Something like a fairytale. But this was the last meeting of the season and I like it. The atmosphere was great, it was a beautiful night, it was really good. You know, this is the way of the future for a lot of athletics meets. I am in Europe alone, without my coach and my partner who is a sprinter. It was hard to get motivated for this end of the season. Now I will go back to Australia. I have the necessity to start working as a lawyer. We will see what happends after that and what the time balance will be between the work and practice. We wil go from there.

Filip Pravdica  8:20:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Long Jump Men 2 Croatia 8.03

Rezultat govori sve, 8.03. Nema puno dodavanja, atmosfera je vrhunska kao i svi koji su me poduprijeli. Već me na prvom skoku atmosfera tako jako digla da sam uspio napraviti skok života, zbog kojeg sam u šoku. Ponosan sam što sam bio dio ove organizacije, upravo smo ja i moj kolega organizatorima predstavili ideju za ovo natjecanje po uzoru na natjecanje koje se održava na ovaj način, u centru Vrbovca. Ovaj je rezultat iskupljenje za Munchen, na kojem sam očekivao već u prvoj seriji skok kakav sam sad skočio, no sreća je presudila. No, gdje ima uspona, ima i padova. Tada je bio pad, a sada je uspon. Smatram kako Čeko, ali i ostali skakači vrijede više, no drugačije je skakati na podiju u odnosu na skakanje na stadionu. Radujem se idućoj sezoni u kojoj ću se pokušati plasirati na Europsko dvoransko Prvenstvo u Istanbulu i Svjetsko Prvenstvo u Budimpešti.

My result speaks for itself, 8.03. There is nothing much to add, the atmosphere is great, just as everyone who supported me. The atmosphere on the first jump was already that great that it made me jump the result of my life. I am proud of being part of the organisation, me and my colleague proposed the idea of this kind of street competition to the Zagreb Meeting Organizers. After bad result in Munich, in which I hoped to jump in the first attempt, but I was not lucky enough. I think that Čeko and other athletes can jump way further, but there is a difference in jumping on the podium and on the track at the stadium. I am looking forward to the next season, when I will try to qualify for Istanbul and Budapest. 

Marko Čeko  8:34:15 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Long Jump Men 3 Croatia 8.00

Gotova je sezona, da ju ocijenimo od jedan do deset dao bih joj deset. Iako nije počela idealno, završnica je nadoknadila početak. Nažalost, završavam sezonu ozljedom, no vjerujem kako nije jako ozbiljna. Filip i ja smo vrhunski skakači, tako da smo zasluženo obojica skočili preko osam metara. Hvala mojim Knjinjanima i mojoj podršci iz publike. Iako bih bio zadovoljan i četvrtim mjestom, do kraja sam se bojao hoće li Gayle skočiti više od mene. Izrazito sam zadovoljan trećim mjestom i rezultatom, no vjerujem da će budući skokovi biti još i dalji.

The season has finished. If I needed to grade it, it would be an A. Even though it did not started as planned, it definitely made up for the start. Unfortunately, I am finishing the season with the injury but I think it can heal quickly. Both Filip and me are great Long Jumpers so we deserved to jump 8 meters. Thanks to the people from my hometown Knin and to all other supporters. Even though I would be happy to finish as fourth too, I was checking if Gayle would jump further than me. I am extremely happy with the third place and the result but I believe that future jumps will be even further.

Joe Kovacs  9:00:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Shot Put Men 2 United States 21.97

I think I am pretty disappointed with today, I think it was a pretty bad meet for me. I had some delayed flight yesterday, lost my bags, had just one meal today so I think I lost my energy pretty quick. But in the end of the day, it is OK. This is a great venue in Zagreb, I just wish that it all went better. I did not think about my throw in Zurich at all because I tried to have a big throw here. But unfortunately, it did not happen. I am a little bit annoyed with that. My family from Hungary came down here to support me – they come to all my meets locally so it is great to have the family here and the circle is so close so I wish they cheer for me everywhere I go. One more competition in Switzerland and I go home. I expect twins on November 4th, pretty quick so I have got like 8 weeks to get back home and then it will be chaos so I am excited about that.

Ryan Crouser  9:00:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Shot Put Men 1 United States 22.19

It was a slow start for me tonight, technically, I had some struggles. I was not on the top with ,y shape, especially in the early rounds. I connected with a one throw, I found a good throw but unfortunately in the later rounds and that was so late to build on it. The main thing right now is to get the win as the field is so talented and so deep, as every year in Zagreb so to walk away with a win from this meet is always an honor. That was an amazing competition in Zurich and Joe has been on the edge of such big throw for so many years and we know he can do it. So to see him approach the 23m was a really special moment. Huge congratulation to him. We have been travelling together for seven years now so to see him to do such a big throw was just awesome to see. One more competition for me in Bellinzone, I travel tomorrow morning. It is excellent to have such strong opponents because it makes me train harder and want to throw further, and actually also for the sport. It can be difficult at the times – to throw 22.74 in the Diamond League final and to finish second but it is great for the sport. I am hoping to continue improving my throws and PR and hopefully it is going to be a world record – Joe is challenging it. You never know but I know that I can still throw further and I am motivated to go on. I think 23.70 is what I like to throw next year but I think it is possible to throw 24m. Before the competition, they asked us about the song and Born in the USA was the first I had in my head. My mum is a huge Bruce Springsteen fan so I dedicate that one to her.

Filip Mihaljevic  9:00:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Shot Put Men 7 Croatia 21.09

Zadovoljan sam rezultatom, 21 metar je ipak 21 metar. Drugo je to što su organizatori od ovoga natjecanja napravili finale Svjetskog Prvenstva. Ovo su sve ozbiljni bacači, svatko svakoga može pobijediti, a sve su to među nama sitnice. Mislim kako me Finale Dijamantne Liga u Zurichu izmorilo, gdje sam svakim hitcem dao svoj maksimum. Iako je to natjecanje rezultatski prioritetnije, ovdje mi je puno drže bacati. Nadam se da će se jednom dogoditi da dođem ovdje svježiji i odmoreniji. Borio sam se dobro, napravio sam sve što sam mogao, ali nekada tijelo kaže ne i gotovo. Moj sin Lovre je isto zadovoljan, a i vrijeme nas je poslužilo. Mislim da i organizatori mogu biti zadovoljni. Konačna ocjena cijele sezone je čistka desetka. Mitinzi su mogli biti bolji, no u konačnici mogu biti zadovoljan s 5 rezultata preko 21.80 i to u ključnim trenutcima. Ova sezona mi je bila sezona stabilizacije na velikim daljinama, te smatram kako je bolje ne divljati s rezultatima i daljinama, nego postepeno graditi velike rezultate koji će s vremenom dolaziti sami od sebe.

I am satisfied with my result, 21 meters is 21 meters after all. The competition was crazy, the organizators made the World Championship final out of this meeting. These are all serious throwers, you never know who will win. I think that I was tired from the Diamond League final in Zurich, where I put maximum effort in each shot. Although that competition was more important, I prefer this one. I hope that next year I will come here well rested. I fought good, I did everything I could, but sometimes body says no. My son Lovre is also satisfied, and the weather conditions were good too. I think that organisators should also be satisfied. The final rate of my season is 10. The meetings could be better, but at the end I have to be content with 5 results over 21.80 meters, at the most important moments. This season was the season of my stabilization on big shots and big results. I believe it is better not to force results, but to build them little by little, so at the end they can come naturally.

Line Kolster  5:00:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
200m Women 2 Norway 23.03

It is only my fourth competition over the 200m this year and I knew I would be able to do a PB because once, I already had the time of 22.50 in a competition but with a strong wind so I knew it should be a PB today.

I am glad that I was able to come and take it as well as the national record. This is definitelly the last competition for me this season. I am very motivated for the next year, I just need some rest and season break to start the new preparation and the new work towards the season. The 200m is only for fun and the speed training. But now I am not in shape for the 400 and 400mH so I just wanted to try the 200m and I will focus on the 400m hurdles next year.

Arina INCE  5:35:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Javelin Throw Women 1 United States 64.38

I was really excited to get into this meet, a lot of my friends always talked about how great this meet is, and also having a personal best here is making it even better. It has been a really long season, this is my 18th meet of the year, which is a lot for javelin throwers. I knew that I was in shape to do well and I just wanted to have a good preformance and have a good time here in Croatia. It is also my first time in Croatia, it is beautiful and I love it. I knew that I was capable of this result but I just was not expecting it. This is also the last competition with my recent coach because USA Track and Field ended our residence programam. My new coach will be Cara Winger, now retired javelin thrower,so right after this trip I am starting to train with her. I also threw an A standard, for next year's competitions which was huge relief, but except that I will just continue having good time.

Dániel Huller  5:52:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
800m Men 1 Hungary 1:45.68

The race was pretty good, the weather and the conditions were perfect. I felt great and the crowd was also great, even my family came to support me. I was already in Zagreb two years ago, I really love this meeting and Zagreb, especially the city centre, I find it really beautiful. This was my last competition this season. The main goal for the next year is to qualify for the World Championships, especially because it will be held in my hometown Budapest.

Clayton Rushell  6:31:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
400m Hurdles Women 1 Jamaica 53.89

I actually did not know what the meeting record was. I just wanted to run my last race and to get a good race. And I did just that. The weather did not affect me, really, because I was in a zone and I just wanted to come out here and compete, it is my last one. So the conditions did not really matter as I just wanted to execute a good race. In my mind, I am already on vacation somewhere on the beach. The season was an amazing one. I am very excited for that. It is exciting to be a part of this event nowadays. I have already hit some goals that I set for myself this year so I am going to continue to work hard so I can get them the next sason.

CJ Allen  6:31:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
400m Hurdles Men 1 United States 49.10

I felt like this was pretty smooth race all the way through. I had the Diamond League Final just the couple days ago, so I can still feel it in my legs a bit. This has been a very long season for me, but it was very good season, I run a personal beast after all. But right now I am excited to finally get some down time, refocuse, regroupe and think about the plans for the next year, so this is my final competition this season. I am first time in Zagreb and in Croatia and I really like it. The track was good, the atmosphere also felt good, and everything about this meet was awesome. It was fun overall, although I thought it was going to storm at the beggining of the race. I am super thankful that I got invited to come here and I hope I will come again.

Marvin Bracy  7:05:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
100m Men 1 United States 9.97

I am always satisfied with the win. Even thought I just missed the meeting record, I am satisfied with the result. The two fault starts affected me a bit but it was just about me and how I execute the race. The conditions were great, it is a beautiful stadium and we had no rain. Just to come out here and to perform like this after the fault starts, I am glad to see where I can be at. To start at this meetings, it just means everything. To come here to a place away from home, the people still cheer for you and they pushed me. This was my last race so it was nice to close up with a win at the place where I have been before. I closed up my season here also last year and I will do that every year. Next year, I will come out and will do a couple of races indoors despite the fact that the world indoors has been moved again. But the main focus is to come back and to do my best. I feel, when it comes to the time, I could have executed a bit better this season, especially in the world champs final. It just takes those little things to become the world champion, you know. The 100m is so competitive and I love to see it.

Kristjan Čech  7:05:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Discus Throw Men 1 Slovenia 68.60

Today was a good competition, the wind was good only for a few shots, but this result at the end of the season is great. The atmosphere was great, the stadium was full. I love it here and I often go on the season preparations in Croatia. This season was awesome, I became new World Champion, won Diamond League Final, set up a new personal best and I am currently in the lis of top 10 discus throwers of all time. I had good and constant results through the whole season. I would even like to set up a new world record, who knows, maybe already next season.

Fiordaliza Cofil  7:11:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
400m Women 1 Dominician Republic 50.73

Today, I did not run the time I had hoped for at all. This was the last competition of the season and I closed it with a race like this. I have to work hard to improve next season. This was by far my best season yet, thanks to my coach and all his support. I am here and that means a lot. I felt it OK today but just a little bit uncomfortable. It is never easy.

William Kincaid  7:19:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
3000m Men 1 United States 07:38.83

There was a lot of uncertainity around the race. My coach wanted me to go a bit faster but it all just have become hard and I was set to win hard. It ws just hard from two laps to go and nobody wanted to take the lead there as we had some kind of windy conditions. But it was a fun race and the atmosphere was absolutely great. My first year on the circuit and it was so fun. It is my first time here, so the experience in Europe is so unique. Everyone has run fast and my running was not exactly as I wanted but the race was amazing. To get to the worlds is tough in the USA. To win the race, it is just hard from the gun. It is important to stay with those guys and I got close. I need to work on that steady hard work. I think the reward for this is just to be able to keep doing this. I turn 30 in ten days and I come to this meet where everybody cheers for you. It is kind of new for me.

Tonea Marshall  7:26:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
100m Hurdles Women 1 United States 12.74

The conditions are ideal. They really have not been ideal all year so this is kind of normal. I am just happy to come out here and get the win in my last race of the season. I think I stayed really really strong and I did pretty well at the beginning and then I started to fall off a little bit. I think it was just because it was my first year and I have a lot of things I have to fix and to work on. So just going into the next year is a big win for me and I want to see what is in me. I feel blessed that I am healthy to finish the whole season like this. These has been a lot, it has been a roller coaster but I am very proud of where I have come and of my composure on each race. Of course, it is hard to be a hurdler aspecially because you have so many fast women in the world. We have the world record holder, world and Olympic champions so everytime I line up, it is always like the world or Olympic final. You have to bring your A - game everytime you are in the blocks.

Gran Holloway  7:39:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
100 Hurdles Men 1 United States 13.19

This was a great  season. It is amazing feeling to have a tripple crown. A lot of people wrote me off just because I was not quick enough at some points, but it is all about showing where and when and winning. I had a great season, but I am excited for the off season and of course I can not wait for 2023. I enjoyed the race, the atmosphere, the track and everything about Zagreb, I can not wait to come back. Although some people talked about braking the meeting record, it is fine that I have not, at the end it is all about having fun and enjoying this, and that is exactly what I did. Wheter conditions were not great, but I had fun, and this was excelent season finale. Now I am starting the preparations for the next season and figurig out the plans and expectations for the next season. This season I had an average time of 13.0, and I can not wait next season to have the average time around 12.9.

Linden Hall  7:46:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
One mile Women 1 Australia 4:21.10

We do not run one mile that often so I run my last PB one year ago. It is good to be able to run one of my best times at the end of the season when you are tired. And it is an honor to start your break when you finish on a high level. Alfons, the meeting manager came to me at the breakfast and asked me: Are you going to break the meeting record? I was like, sure, lets have a crack. I was just happy to have such a great list and the guys pacing us. It was a lot easier. It was all on and off raining during the whole warm up and I was truing to tell myself that it is fine. It was the same for everyone but I was actually happy it did not rain the whole run. I have never won a race in Europe until this year. And I won three this year. So it was very special because you can run all those fast time but it is more special when you win.

Hunges Fabrice ZANGO  8:10:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Triple Jump Men 1 Burkina Faso 17.07

The season was quite good; I got the silver medal at the World Championship and I tried to fight against some injuries, because of which I could not jump at some competitions. Today I also jumped good, I am quite happy and I am looking forward to coming here next year to get the meeting record. I cam here for the meeting record, but I guess I was a bit tired because of a Diamond League Final, but I am really happy with what I did today. It is my first time in Zagreb, and I think that Zagreb is crazy, especially standing ovations and crowd cheering, I deffinitely have to be back next year. This year I have finally finished my studies, I got a PhD, so I can fully focus on athletics and on competitions. I hope that in the next year I will be more competitive, and to attend more meetings. It was not easy studying and competing at the same time because of all the pressure, but now I am finally done., and athletics can be my priority.

Joseph Fahnbulleh  8:17:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
200m Men 1 Liberia 20.07

It was going well, the atosphere was nice and my body felt good so everything came as one... I love it here, the whole environment. It is my first time in Zagreb and the people are very warm here, the landscape is beautiful, I love it. The strongest memory from this season will be getting getting fourth at worlds. I feel really happy I got fourth there but I know I want to be on the podium next year. The plan is just to train harder. It is great to be a part of this athletics society. It forces you to be good as well but at the same time, you force youself as well because you want to be the best. I will come back to Zagreb for sure.

Niels Laros  8:32:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
3000m Men 10 Netherlands 7:48.25

I was definitely ready for the world record and I felt it was possible in the first kilometre when I was well in advance. So of course, it is a bit painfull to miss it in the end. But the conditions were challenging. Of course, this is my last competition this summer and this was the best season ever for me. This is my seventh competition win this year, what can be better... It was along season. Winning the gold medal from the world championships was the strongest moment this year which I will remember forever.

Sandra Perković  8:39:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Discus Throw Women 1 Croatia 68.46

Thanks to all the people who came today to support us. The atmosphere was great, although the weather was not the best. I knew that I had this hit in me, at the end I just sad, it is the last throw of the season, it is now or never. And I did it, I threw new season best and took the 10th win at the Zagreeb Meeting, and I am glad that I made all those people happy. Valerie was great and the competition was also great, I think that the weather was the only problem. Valerie and I have fought through whole season, and now I finally wanted to beat her. I am pretty tired, so I did not want to put any pressure on this competition, but the fight was really interesting and it all turned out great. The conditions were not great, so right now the physicall strength and good technique are the most importat factors, and they both worked out for me. I am happy, although I would be a bit happier if this throw was made at the Diamond League Final in Zurich, but there is school for everyone and everything. I started the season with a win and I fisnished it with one. Right now, I need some rest after this long and exausting season and take care of my medical conditions, and after that we are starting the preparations for the next season and World Championship in Budapest.

Valerie Allman  8:48:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Discus Throw Women 2 United States 67.55

Overall this was a great season, I think 2021 for me was one of my best seasons, and it was though to follow that, but I feel like I learned a lot and really enjoyed competing. It is really special to compete in Zagreb to end this season, especially to have such an amazing and engaged crowd. I love competing with Sandra. It is what you want as an athlete, to have a battle with someone every time you get into the ring, and for me that is Sandra. Our duels this year have been really exciting and I love all of them. It is always hard when it is the last competition of the season, especially with the rain, but I gave my best shot, and it is deffinitely very remarkable way of ending the season. Right now, I will take some time off and be with my family, but I am very excited to start the preparations for the 2023. There are some things that I still have not accomplished, and I am excted to give my best.