
 / Czech Indoor Gala (Zlatý mítink WAIT)

Ostrava (4. 2. 2025)

Flash interviews

Tomáš STANĚK  7:59:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Shot Put 7,26kg Men 4 Czech Republic 20.91

The first attempt was OK but I would be happier if I could put it even a bit more. But the result is OK for me and maybe the next competition will be even better and I hope that my elbow will alow me to throw even further. The following throws were missing a bit of practice but I have not been throwing much yet after that injury. It is an honour to compete with the best throwers but I am also fighting against my technique a bit. About Fabri - the transition from the training camp outdoors in a hot climate is always tough as well as the climate change. But he is able to throw very very far. It was obvious. He just needs to tide it up but this is how the first competitions are like.

Matěj KRSEK  7:54:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
400m Men (Run) 2 Czech Republic 45.85

This result is positive form me and I am glad that it ended up like this. I was not sure about my run after the warm-up because I did not have that feeling. But in the end, it was a happy end. The first 200m was maybe even too fast, but I liked it. I am very glad about this meeting and cannot wait util the next race. The Hungarian guy helped me a lot and maybe I also helped him in the first 200. I tried to keep up the pace and sticked to him. I managed it well and he also pulled me a bit.

Mattia FURLANI  7:38:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Long Jump Men 1 Italy 8.23

I changed so much in so many things regarding my preparation. I had too much power and strength putting into my jumps last year and this is first competition where that did not happen. Now I am feeling incredible and today it was a really good test. I had some jumps over 8.50 - 8.60. It meens that I can jump very-very far this year.  I know many people says that I am the person who can overcome long jump world record in future. Honestly, I think I will be still able to do this in a couple of years.  That is my motivation to stay focused. But this year all my preparation is focused on Tokyo World Championships and the biggest build-stones on this road are European and World Indoors.

Lieke KLAVER  7:18:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
400m Women (Run) 1 Netherlands 50.92

If even the first season race is always a guess, I expected time under 51 sec. After last summer season was finished we had a long six-weeks rest and then we had two very productive training camps in South Africa. For me it is usual to prepare outdoors for indoor season. I love being under the sun, I love being outdoors, I can do there whatever I want.  Regarding this indoor season, we do not know full plan yet. We have to look on my form and we need to put in some extra work, which is fine because we srtill have some time left. But for now, I am focused on European Indoors, because, of course, it is my home country. I would like to perform there as best as possible. Then we will see what next goal we will set. I am not sure yet.

Erik ERLANDSSON  6:49:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
200m Men (Run) 1 Sweden 20.43

I had a great indoor season build-up. I had even better season opener of 20.43 personal best. Equally today while in training phase. Could I be more sutisfied? Track in Ostrava is great and fast, it was a possibility to improve a bit, but my back stretch was a little strange. I think when I get used to it, then I will be able to go better. Right now I am not sure about my next competitions. Likely, I will be at national indoors, but we should discuss it after tonight race.

Patrizia VAN DER WEKEN  6:49:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
60m Women (Final) 1 Luxembourg 07.08

Today I came very close to my personal best and confirmed my stable form. I made some mistakes in the heat which I didn`t want to repeat in the final, and I managed to do that. It`s great that I confirmed my position as the world leader. I`m also happy with the European record for 50 meters. This official time is a great indicator for training, because now we can calculate with my maximum speed.

Gabriela GAJANOVÁ  6:32:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
800m Women 1 Slovakia 2:02.16

It was my first race this indoor season, so I didn`t know what to expect from myself. I didn`t have a specific time in my mind. I think I managed it well tactically. The pace was really good for me. I tried to be in the leading group, where there was a lot of contacts but I had a good position going into the last lap and I won. It`s a great start to the season

Isaac NADER  6:29:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Mile Men 1 Portugal 3:54.17

Certainly, I arrived to Ostrava aiming to win. But my main goal was to set national indoor record here. I missed it a little bit and that is my biggest disappointment this evening. I could be faster and more confident over the race. Ok, that is only the beginning of the season. So, I have things to improve.

Attila MOLNÁR  6:24:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
400m Men (Run) 1 Hungary 45.08

It was amazing run and great meeting. One of the best crowds I have seen. I am going to be honest, my stomach hurts a little, so I felt a little bad before the start. That is why I am a bit surprised about the result. The first time when I looked at the time, I thought it would be great if they could correct it down to 0,05 sec. But I am not disappointed. On the contrary, I will get it. I am sure. Last year it was a little bit of a step back emotionally. That is why I could not improve and now everybody thinks that my tonight development is a bit crazy. Honestly, I had it in me last year, but this time I was really prepared. My next stop should be in Lyon, France, but we will see.

Ronnie BAKER  6:14:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
60m Men (Final) 1 United States 06.50

I have to say that it was hard to concentrate on the repeated heat, but I managed to focus again and advance to the final. I felt really good. I knew that if I ran 6.61 with this problem, I would improve a lot this time in the final. I feel that my shape is increasing with each race. The time of 6.50 is great for today and I am looking forward to the next races.

Zane WEIR  5:58:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
Shot Put 7,26kg Men 1 Italy 21.39

This is not my first competition this season, if even two previous events I did not go so well. Here in Ostrava I wanted to find some rhythm and use this competition to keep building. The preparation for this season and all trainings were pretty much the same. Last year I had two bad injuries, so for me was important to build the momentum, get some consistency and build the volume in the body. It was tough mentally last year, so I had to get the body back to where it needs to be. Now it is about finding the technique. The next stop is in France, so at the moment, I felt some good things in training. I am looking forward to getting back to my coach and building some technique. I feel that I am in a fantastic shape, but I do not feel that I am technically good enough to make that an efficient distance. Obviously, I have got European Championships coming upwhich is very important for me and, certainly, World Indoors. It is difficult now in Italy because there are three of us here who are capable going, but only two can go. So, it is a huge fight. And I am ready. There is no another option.

Eliott CRESTAN  5:55:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
800m Men 1 Belgium 1:44.69

I came to Ostrava to break the national record, and I did it. It was a very fast race and I`m glad I had the power to until the end. I was hoping to run under 1:45, but such a time is a surprise for me, because it was my first 800-meter race at this time.

Freweyni HAILU  5:49:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
3000m Women 1 Ethiopia 08:24.17

I came to Ostrava with big expectations to improve my personal best. I had all my preparation for indoor season in Ethiopia. Everething has been contributed to me to be in my best shape before the season. I reached a really new level in all testing runs. Pacemaker has done the brilliant job tonight. I felt confortable and easy to get my goal at this meeting. It is great that I fulfilled expectation of organizers and was able to improve meeting record as well  and became world leader. With such good season opening I hope I will able to complete our national team for World Indoor Championships.

Adam ŠULC  1:53:00 PM
Disciplína Umí. Oddíl/stát Výkon
60m Hurdles [99,1 cm] Men U20 1 TJ Sokol Hradec Králové 07.72

Konečně se mi povedl náběh na první překážku Cítil jsem se skvěle, ale vím, že mám ještě rezervy. Dnes jsem se časem velmi spokojen a těším se na národní mitrovství, kde se utkám s dalšími rychlými soupeři.

I finally had a good start on the first hurdle. I am satisfied with today`s time, but I know I still have some space for improvement. I am looking forward to the national championships, where I will compete with other fast competitors.